After living in Europe mostly Czech Republic for three month, It is quite clear and easy to explain about cultural differences in three places, Europe, America and Japan. And also, I would love to mention strongly that I felt a big shock how different I actually saw things compared with images before coming. What I saw with my eyes was a way colorful and beautiful. I would say some information helped me at some points to prepare mentally before arriving but lessons that I learned by living in Europe was much more live changing and influential.
Top 3 that I miss the most in Europe after left….
3)Beautiful view
I just got used to see old but historical buildings in middle of town in Olomouc after living a couple of month but looked back with pictures that I took in lunch time there, It was really pretty. In shiny day,I woke up earlier and walked to a big square which is like a downtown in US ,took my lunch to go and sat down just near by statue. I loved how Czech or European culture kept old buildings in modernized time and fits in it. Locals also live in not mansions or high buildings but old looking houses. All architectures kind of themed so even people dresses so well or modern way, it looked so classy.
2)Cheap food
I am not talking about any fast food. At restaurants, I had so much food more likely meals which I could not finish so many times but costed half price compared with American or Japanese ones. Simply, czech minimum working wage is not same as American and Japanese but still, I could not believe that I only paid about 3 dollars for my breakfast every morning. And also I did not have to give any tips to workers which I felt really guilty for no reason. When I gave tiny tip to workers, they were so happy with big smile. Again, Czech people barely smile to strangers so…..they were really happy with small tips. I was amazed with how low cost meals were and how delicious they were.
1)Slow dinner
When we went to Italy for school trip, we decided to go a bit far away from sightseeing places because they charged us almost double price so we learned we should walk about thirty minutes to get dinner after 8pm. Just walking around town in Italy was the most beautiful and romantic time I have ever had. We never know where we go to but always found a way. We picked a place to eat and ordered own dinner, took about 40 minutes to come. If I was in Japan, I would leave from that restaurant but it was perfect at that place. We talked about history, economics, political and our dreams. Without waiting time, we never think those things again but we did because of that. I was frustrated sometimes with European time but I also learned to be slow down in dairy life sometimes helps me get my world bigger. I could not know it if I did not experience and live in European time. Now, I miss that slow and calm dinner time in Japan.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Flield trip 3
"Aushwitz" I have heard that word but I did not know what exactly happened there. It was how much poor my knowledge was. I had an image of it that some kind of arch gate located and says something. That was about it. Actually visiting, seeing places and reading on wall were unforgettable which was impossible to be compared with just catching information from textbook or any other education system back to Japan. As you read today's my blog post, I hope you might get sort of feeling what I got there but it is not quite same until you actually see them. So I wish you will have an opportunity to be there.
I did not even know Auschwitz is located in Poland. A concentration camp was built and operated by Nazi Germany during World War. It became "Final Solution to the Jewish question" that means trains sent Jews to the camps and Nazi operated gas champers. There is not exact number but at least, 1.1 million prisoners died at Auschwitz. If you want to have some idea how big population it was, population of Nebraska is around 1.8 million now. I was terrified how many people was killed. 90 percent of prisoners were jews. I was shocked by the fact which rest of them were homosexuals, disables and any people who helped Jews hidden. Even in prison, discrimination existed. I believed in that most of them died because they forced to be in the gas chambers but I was wrong. The truth is they were killed by forced working in extreme way and sufferd infectious disease that were caused by unclean places. They were dying with pain.
I hesitated to take pictures at many places. We were allowed to take pictures without flash at most places but I could not. I stood a point that was called selection process. All prisoners were transported by trains and lined up at that point. Simply, Nazi divided them into right side or left. One of firth prisoners were survived through this process because they looked stronger than others to be forced working. Others were killed immediately because they could not pass this process.
Our tour guide was a very good. He talked in calm,slow and dark tone of voice with seriousness. He said "Nazi did the worst thing that human could do to human but remember they were smart and super organized." How Nazi treated and moved prisoners was absolutely a lie but used their weakness. They even informed they would provide a better working condition to prisoners. Prisoners were struggling and had no hope to survive. They were looking for a way to protect their family and future. Prisoners bought tickets to Auschwitz by themselves. They did not know what they were going through until they arrived. Nazi was smart and planed well how effetely operates a killing process in a short term as much as they could. In fact, one room of gas chamber could kill one thousand people at once in twenty minutes. Nazi kept getting a process to kill prisoners faster and more people.
The most shocking thing I have ever seem was a mat which was made of women's human hair. The workers who carried prisoners out from gas chambers after process, they collected valuable from dead bodies. Women's hair was not an exception neither. They shaved their hair off and made products from it. I felt my chest got tighten with pain.
What education system did teach even a part of these facts? I thought so many times in this program when I visited historical places and also, if I will have kids in far future, I will bring my kids to those places once they get old enough to understand meaning. Knowing numbers or people names were not all about of history. It is just a surface. More likely, I have learned feelings when I saw a wall of gas chamber, a mat which made of human hair and others. Those actual things encouraged me to understand and learn more.
I did not even know Auschwitz is located in Poland. A concentration camp was built and operated by Nazi Germany during World War. It became "Final Solution to the Jewish question" that means trains sent Jews to the camps and Nazi operated gas champers. There is not exact number but at least, 1.1 million prisoners died at Auschwitz. If you want to have some idea how big population it was, population of Nebraska is around 1.8 million now. I was terrified how many people was killed. 90 percent of prisoners were jews. I was shocked by the fact which rest of them were homosexuals, disables and any people who helped Jews hidden. Even in prison, discrimination existed. I believed in that most of them died because they forced to be in the gas chambers but I was wrong. The truth is they were killed by forced working in extreme way and sufferd infectious disease that were caused by unclean places. They were dying with pain.
I hesitated to take pictures at many places. We were allowed to take pictures without flash at most places but I could not. I stood a point that was called selection process. All prisoners were transported by trains and lined up at that point. Simply, Nazi divided them into right side or left. One of firth prisoners were survived through this process because they looked stronger than others to be forced working. Others were killed immediately because they could not pass this process.
Our tour guide was a very good. He talked in calm,slow and dark tone of voice with seriousness. He said "Nazi did the worst thing that human could do to human but remember they were smart and super organized." How Nazi treated and moved prisoners was absolutely a lie but used their weakness. They even informed they would provide a better working condition to prisoners. Prisoners were struggling and had no hope to survive. They were looking for a way to protect their family and future. Prisoners bought tickets to Auschwitz by themselves. They did not know what they were going through until they arrived. Nazi was smart and planed well how effetely operates a killing process in a short term as much as they could. In fact, one room of gas chamber could kill one thousand people at once in twenty minutes. Nazi kept getting a process to kill prisoners faster and more people.
The most shocking thing I have ever seem was a mat which was made of women's human hair. The workers who carried prisoners out from gas chambers after process, they collected valuable from dead bodies. Women's hair was not an exception neither. They shaved their hair off and made products from it. I felt my chest got tighten with pain.
What education system did teach even a part of these facts? I thought so many times in this program when I visited historical places and also, if I will have kids in far future, I will bring my kids to those places once they get old enough to understand meaning. Knowing numbers or people names were not all about of history. It is just a surface. More likely, I have learned feelings when I saw a wall of gas chamber, a mat which made of human hair and others. Those actual things encouraged me to understand and learn more.
Monday, May 11, 2015
10) personal Excursions
First of May,me and my friends went to Ireland. It was great but I felt weird pain on my right side of body and got spread more and more. I did not care that much because we had a busy schedule and took a flight from Czech to Ireland. I thought It was just because I was so tired. However, I skipped going out and went bed earlier, that skin pain did not go away. Moreover, it started more painful like having a bad sunburn day by day. After traveling through Ireland on three days weekend, I knew I had something wring that I have never experienced. At that moment, I had quite different emotion that I had to have a surgery for pulling wisdom teeth out in US because literally, I had no idea who I should ask since I can't speak any Czech but I calmed down somehow and I knew it would be all right. I contacted Martin who is our local advisor and he immediately helped me out for finding an English- speaking dermatologist. It was such a fortunate in my nightmare. Not many Czech can speak English even in public places. There is a hospital which has educational sponsorship with college. Since Czech college tuition is relatively lower than other european ones especially med students, coming to Czech colleges is a good option for them. Students are from mostly English speaking countries such England and Netherlands. So, doctors in that hospital which I went could speak fluent English. It was very helpful. When I arrived at hospital, I did not even wear any clothes on because anything which touched my rash area caused sharp pain that sometimes hesitated me take a breath. My doctor looked my right side of body for just 10 seconds and said….."You got a shingles" It is a skin infection of a nerve area caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It causes pain and a rash along a band of skin supplied by the affected nerve. The virus usually affects one nerve only.(right side for me) I had a constant dull, burning and sharp pain. I got a prescription for anti virus pills and lotion. I visited three pharmacies and finally got them. I have taken a pill every four hours and put lotion on three times in a day since then. All treatment cost 1500 koruna that is less than 50 dollars. I was very surprised how cheap medical fee was even as uncovered by insurance. Unfortunately, I was suffered the most painful skin burning for a couple of day but it was quite interesting to have a opportunity to visit a hospital in Czech Republic. And also, I am appreciate deeply for caring from Martin, Mr and Mars Larson and my lovely friends. I would love to say big thank you to them.
Monday, May 4, 2015
1)Daily life
Everyone keeps talking about "What do you miss the most? or What do you want to eat as very first meal once you get in airport?" Those conversations are always going on and American students are craving for eating american food like Qdoba, Mac and Cheese, and "Free ketchup" because we have to pay overprice for a tiny package of ketchup to eat fresh fries at fast food places. Moreover, It is unforgettable that they are dying to seek similar taste of Ranch. I think Ranch is very american thing like the rest of world does not know what it is. It is interesting to hear for me how they react to their home taste.
Personally, I have already got over with missing to eat my home food since I have lived in US for three years. I better gave it up. However, one thing I have been craving is petting dogs. I know it sounds weird but here is my reason. I have not touched any dogs in almost two month. I have a puppy back in Japan and I lived with my host family in Kearney who love animals all the time. I have never missed this much to play with animals. I would not say there is no animals here. Actually, In Olomouc, people take dogs everywhere. I was surprised when I saw people who take their dogs to zoo, in Buss to any public places and just walked around with them. It is a way more dog friendly city than in US or in Japan but it is a different story if strangers try to pet their dogs off course after asking. I thought it is common when people come toward to dogs with smile , owners would smile back and let them pet dogs. It is a lovely moment, right? However, It is not here in Olomouc. If I tried to get close to dogs, owners would walk faster. I understand I could be a little bit creepy when I see cute dogs because my face gets big smile on or I thought it was just because I was a stranger and foreigner who do not speak any Czech but I have not seen any strangers pet someone's dogs on street even they are Czech people neither. I guess the reason, which people here do not like to let strangers pet their own dogs is a safely point. I do not feel in danger when I walk in town by myself but I have noticed it is sometime not a good idea depends on time. Maybe, it could be the cause why locals would not rather to be friendly so much with strangers.
I have never thought I would miss something this much. Getting in a new place and learning different cultures are a big lesson to know what I think important for my life so far.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
2) Academic Life
I think "studying" is one of the most tricky words people can describe in so many ways. Simply, reading a book is a part of studying if someone says so. Personally, living also could be called "studying". However, at this time, I would like to just focus on academic life. It is quite different that is compared with its style back in US.
First of all, we take classes in classroom but also out of classroom. This is my favorite time of this program so far. Professors took us to memorial monuments, historical museums and field trip to see actually places that explain what happened there in past. I have never been interested in historical facts this much ever because of those places. I had hard time to keep up with history classes in high school. There are so many important people and dates to memorize for exams. I felt I was required to memorize names and numbers in history class more than to have own opinion about events. That's why I have never been attached with history and now, my knowledge of history is horribly poor. I would say the connection between me and history is historical people's names and evens dates. However, here in Olomouc, every single time when professors talk about wars and conflicts, they ask us how we think about what happened and what people who lived in that time went thought. I really like to have deep thoughts in historical time and to imagine a little bit more what people went thought when I am in front of historical monument or watch video that people who talks about that time in museum. I can feel more connections with historical facts or people than just reading texbooks. I actually felt I would love to learn more details of certain history facts by myself. I was surprised. Obviously, taking classes outside of class room helps me to learn better.
Speaking of education system, I have been experiencing quite different study schedule in here.
Back in US, I used to wake up at 6am ,go to campus 7:30, go thought stuff before class in library, take classes from 10 to 3pm and lock myself in library until midnight. I can say I almost live in campus building. In Olomouc, I have classes from 3pm to 7:15. When I started this time schedule, it made me so nervous because I used to read or study something all the time but now, I have free time. It is up to myself that I would explore town or sleep late. It sounds good to me at this time because I got used to have time to do extra things I want but it was so scary to be shifted into new schedule at first. I believe being flexible in different life style also shapes me as a person. I actually have less "studying hours"that I just sit down and stare at a textbook but I have learned more in outside of classroom and about life lessons that encourage me keep learning after finishing this study abroad program.
I hope my classmates and me will enjoy rest of time and more students who are undecided will join in this incredible program in the future.
First of all, we take classes in classroom but also out of classroom. This is my favorite time of this program so far. Professors took us to memorial monuments, historical museums and field trip to see actually places that explain what happened there in past. I have never been interested in historical facts this much ever because of those places. I had hard time to keep up with history classes in high school. There are so many important people and dates to memorize for exams. I felt I was required to memorize names and numbers in history class more than to have own opinion about events. That's why I have never been attached with history and now, my knowledge of history is horribly poor. I would say the connection between me and history is historical people's names and evens dates. However, here in Olomouc, every single time when professors talk about wars and conflicts, they ask us how we think about what happened and what people who lived in that time went thought. I really like to have deep thoughts in historical time and to imagine a little bit more what people went thought when I am in front of historical monument or watch video that people who talks about that time in museum. I can feel more connections with historical facts or people than just reading texbooks. I actually felt I would love to learn more details of certain history facts by myself. I was surprised. Obviously, taking classes outside of class room helps me to learn better.
Speaking of education system, I have been experiencing quite different study schedule in here.
Back in US, I used to wake up at 6am ,go to campus 7:30, go thought stuff before class in library, take classes from 10 to 3pm and lock myself in library until midnight. I can say I almost live in campus building. In Olomouc, I have classes from 3pm to 7:15. When I started this time schedule, it made me so nervous because I used to read or study something all the time but now, I have free time. It is up to myself that I would explore town or sleep late. It sounds good to me at this time because I got used to have time to do extra things I want but it was so scary to be shifted into new schedule at first. I believe being flexible in different life style also shapes me as a person. I actually have less "studying hours"that I just sit down and stare at a textbook but I have learned more in outside of classroom and about life lessons that encourage me keep learning after finishing this study abroad program.
I hope my classmates and me will enjoy rest of time and more students who are undecided will join in this incredible program in the future.
Monday, April 20, 2015
8)Field trip 2
We went to Vienna in Austria and Vienna in Italy as a school trip.
In Vienna, I heard violin and other music instruments on street so many times because it is a capital of music, opera and theater. Mozart, Beethoven and other very famous classic musicians have worked there. Unfortunately, I could not attend any opera or classic music concert at this time but I definitely would like to do it in the future.
One of the favorite museum is Imperial Treasury. There were valuable collections of secular treasures such like a crowns and gowns back to thousand years of European history. Even I saw through glasses, those collections were the shiniest thing I have ever seen.
Before heading to Italy by bus, We had a beautiful Alps view. I was so tired by bus riding for a couple hours but the view took it away.
I have asked so many times people who I met in hostel and keep asking exactly same question,"What country is your favorite in Europe?" Most of them answer, "Venice in Italy". I was so excited to visit because of that and once I went there, there was no doubt why many people was attracted by Venice. It is basically a city on sea. It is just beautiful. 117 islands spread around main land and connected by bridges or canals. So locals and travelers use boats as main public transportation. I bought a ticket for a day pass that I could use all boat rides which cost 20 euro. It is always nice to find some discount for travelers especially for students. I have learned how to travel with lower budgets in this trip since spending time in Italy could be very expensive if I did not know how to use my money on purpose. In my opinion, I would love to come back to Venice with more budget for sure.
In Vienna, I heard violin and other music instruments on street so many times because it is a capital of music, opera and theater. Mozart, Beethoven and other very famous classic musicians have worked there. Unfortunately, I could not attend any opera or classic music concert at this time but I definitely would like to do it in the future.
One of the favorite museum is Imperial Treasury. There were valuable collections of secular treasures such like a crowns and gowns back to thousand years of European history. Even I saw through glasses, those collections were the shiniest thing I have ever seen.
I have asked so many times people who I met in hostel and keep asking exactly same question,"What country is your favorite in Europe?" Most of them answer, "Venice in Italy". I was so excited to visit because of that and once I went there, there was no doubt why many people was attracted by Venice. It is basically a city on sea. It is just beautiful. 117 islands spread around main land and connected by bridges or canals. So locals and travelers use boats as main public transportation. I bought a ticket for a day pass that I could use all boat rides which cost 20 euro. It is always nice to find some discount for travelers especially for students. I have learned how to travel with lower budgets in this trip since spending time in Italy could be very expensive if I did not know how to use my money on purpose. In my opinion, I would love to come back to Venice with more budget for sure.
6)Social Life
After heading to Vienna in Austria and Venice in Italy as a school trip, I went to Amsterdam in Netherlands and Berlin in Germany in spring break. As much as I got excited to travel by ourselves, I was a little bit nervous because it literary could be the best spring break as my life experience or just a big mistake upon our behavior. I am so grad my group planed well enough before the days came. I'm truly appreciate I could travel with Tess Dugan, Emily Ryan and Louis Harper. Thank you.
We took only two airplane flights in our spring break but I had hard time to pass luggage restriction. As traveling with only one cabin bag, the maximum size is 56 ×45×25 cm and weight must be less than 10kg moreover, maximum quantity of liquid is 100 ml per item and a total maximum quantity of 1L.
I have packed checked-in bag so many times in my life like I do it every breaks but I have never backpacked so it was new.
After struggling, all I got was inspired experiences. In Amsterdam, I loved to spend time there because it was nice to have most of people who can speak good English and so kind all the time. In fact, According to BBC news, approximately 70% of Dutch can have simple conversation or speak fluently English surprisingly, only less than 30% of the Dutch speak little to no English.I was simply amazed by that part of culture. For younger generation of Dutch from 12 to 20 years old, they have learned English from pre-school so they also take college classes which are taught in English.
In Berlin, I experienced a mixed culture that big history side and new age art/music. As you know, there is still a wall which is used to separate between East ant West Germany. Personally, I was quite interested in the time after Berlin wall was broken. Young Germans started to explain their existences in public that are shown as wall arts. I actually took a tour which was particularly forced on wall art. It was my favorite tour in this trip so far because it was unique young germans history according dark history.
Those arts seem like just graffiti or annoying mess until you know what it has behind. I just want to make it sure that wall art is illegal in Germany but in Berlin, it is the place that wall art started and spread to world so government is tolerant.
After Berlin wall was broken, young generation was kind of seeking the meaning of social issue and their existences in society. As a starter, they just started to write their own names or logos of gang group which are called "tags".
Next, They stepped further and developed technique of art by drawing pictures or three dimension objects which are glued on wall. Recently, they created a different way which is knitting. Around poles, they knit and make it more creative and fun looking. As you can see it takes longer time and higher technique. Our tour guide informed us that not only some wall artist were accepted as artists but also they built businesses because so many young people all over the world got inspired by such powerful arts. From a different way to see history, I felt how strong historical event affected people and also I was impressed it still keeps developing the way to express their passion of art.

We took only two airplane flights in our spring break but I had hard time to pass luggage restriction. As traveling with only one cabin bag, the maximum size is 56 ×45×25 cm and weight must be less than 10kg moreover, maximum quantity of liquid is 100 ml per item and a total maximum quantity of 1L.
I have packed checked-in bag so many times in my life like I do it every breaks but I have never backpacked so it was new.
After struggling, all I got was inspired experiences. In Amsterdam, I loved to spend time there because it was nice to have most of people who can speak good English and so kind all the time. In fact, According to BBC news, approximately 70% of Dutch can have simple conversation or speak fluently English surprisingly, only less than 30% of the Dutch speak little to no English.I was simply amazed by that part of culture. For younger generation of Dutch from 12 to 20 years old, they have learned English from pre-school so they also take college classes which are taught in English.
Those arts seem like just graffiti or annoying mess until you know what it has behind. I just want to make it sure that wall art is illegal in Germany but in Berlin, it is the place that wall art started and spread to world so government is tolerant.
After Berlin wall was broken, young generation was kind of seeking the meaning of social issue and their existences in society. As a starter, they just started to write their own names or logos of gang group which are called "tags".
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