After heading to Vienna in Austria and Venice in Italy as a school trip, I went to Amsterdam in Netherlands and Berlin in Germany in spring break. As much as I got excited to travel by ourselves, I was a little bit nervous because it literary could be the best spring break as my life experience or just a big mistake upon our behavior. I am so grad my group planed well enough before the days came. I'm truly appreciate I could travel with Tess Dugan, Emily Ryan and Louis Harper. Thank you.
We took only two airplane flights in our spring break but I had hard time to pass luggage restriction. As traveling with only one cabin bag, the maximum size is 56 ×45×25 cm and weight must be less than 10kg moreover,
maximum quantity of liquid is 100 ml per item and a total maximum quantity of 1L.
I have packed checked-in bag so many times in my life like I do it every breaks but I have never backpacked so it was new.
After struggling, all I got was inspired experiences. In Amsterdam, I loved to spend time there because it was nice to have most of people who can speak good English and so kind all the time. In fact, According to BBC news, approximately 70% of Dutch can have simple conversation or speak fluently English surprisingly, only less than 30% of the Dutch speak little to no English.I was simply amazed by that part of culture. For younger generation of Dutch from 12 to 20 years old, they have learned English from pre-school so they also take college classes which are taught in English.

In Berlin, I experienced a mixed culture that big history side and new age art/music. As you know, there is still a wall which is used to separate between East ant West Germany. Personally, I was quite interested in the time after Berlin wall was broken. Young Germans started to explain their existences in public that are shown as wall arts. I actually took a tour which was particularly forced on wall art. It was my favorite tour in this trip so far because it was unique young germans history according dark history.
Those arts seem like just
graffiti or annoying mess until you know what it has behind. I just want to make it sure that wall art is illegal in Germany but in Berlin, it is the place that wall art started and spread to world so government is tolerant.
After Berlin wall was broken, young generation was kind of seeking the meaning of social issue and their existences in society. As a starter, they just started to write their own names or logos of gang group which are called "tags".
Next, They stepped further and developed technique of art by drawing pictures or three dimension objects which are glued on wall. Recently, they created a different way which is knitting. Around poles, they knit and make it more creative and fun looking. As you can see it takes longer time and higher technique. Our tour guide informed us that not only some wall artist were accepted as artists but also they built businesses because so many young people all over the world got inspired by such powerful arts. From a different way to see history, I felt how strong historical event affected people and also I was impressed it still keeps developing the way to express their passion of art.

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