I have lived in Japan, USA and Czech Republic in past 4 years. Even I only spent a couple of week here but I still have noticed that there are similar culture and of course many differences in three countries. What I love to be in foreign counties is spending enough time to feel local daily life. In my opinion, It is difficult to see just by sightseeing.
As a starter, I would like to make sure that pice of food is a good point when you are looking for

somewhere you would travel especially for students, it would be a good way to save a lot of money. In Olomouc, all meals are basically half cost less than American's. Compared with cost of Japanese meals, It is easily less than half price wherever you go. One time, I went to a restaurant and ordered a meal and drinks. The cost was about 100 korunas which is about 4 to 5 dollars. I was simply surprised how cheap it was. However, I had to pay for water which costs more than having a beer because of it, Locals openly drink alcohol from afternoon but it is socially acceptable here.
Next, we take trams to get school everyday. It is always on time and quite comfortable to take even I am alone. I have never seen actually well-organized public transportations in foreign countries outside of Japan. Moreover, locals do not hesitate to walk. There are nice sidewalks and crosswalks everywhere. I remember when I move to US, all my friends go to college by cars and never walk to places even if they were just 15 minutes far away. It is interesting thing that many locals here walk a lot but car drivers do not care them and drive cars unbelievably fast in narrow streets. I still cannot understand how locals can do it without any accidents.

I want to finish my blog with the most important thing for me,FOOD. I'm always disappointed when I go grocery shopping for the first time in new places. Inside of my head, I am so excited to get stuff in need but once I get into a store, things which I want are never stored or I just cannot find them because how they locate things is different. It is like same feeling when you go to a brand new store for getting stuff. You are going to take a way longer time to find what you want. And also, even I found what I want, it could be totally tricky. For example, getting a ketchup, it could be different taste. So I always trust the taste of vegetable and fruit. Those tastes are worldwide.
Thank you for checking my blog.
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