Sunday, April 26, 2015

2) Academic Life

I think "studying" is one of the most tricky words people can describe in so many ways. Simply, reading a book is a part of studying if someone says so. Personally, living also could be called "studying". However, at this time, I would like to just focus on academic life. It is quite different that is compared with its style back in US.

First of all, we take classes in classroom but also out of classroom. This is my favorite time of this program so far. Professors took us to memorial monuments, historical museums and field trip to see actually places that explain what happened there in past. I have never been interested in historical facts this much ever because of those places. I had hard time to keep up with history classes in high school. There are so many important people and dates to memorize for exams. I felt I was required to memorize names and numbers in history class more than to have own opinion about events. That's why I have never been attached with history and now, my knowledge of history is horribly poor. I would say the connection between me and history is historical people's names and evens dates. However, here in Olomouc, every single time when professors talk about wars and conflicts, they ask us how we think about what happened and what people who lived in that time went thought. I really like to have deep thoughts in historical time and to imagine a little bit more what people went thought when I am in front of historical monument or watch video that people who talks about that time in museum. I can feel more connections with historical facts or people than just reading texbooks. I actually felt I would love to learn more details of certain history facts by myself. I was surprised.  Obviously, taking classes outside of class room helps me to learn better.

Speaking of education system, I have been experiencing quite different study schedule in here.
Back in US, I used to wake up at 6am ,go to campus 7:30, go thought stuff before class in library, take classes from 10 to 3pm and lock myself in library until midnight. I can say I almost live in campus building. In Olomouc, I have classes from 3pm to 7:15. When I started this time schedule, it made me so nervous because I used to read or study something all the time but now, I have free time. It is up to myself that I would explore town or sleep late. It sounds good to me at this time because I got used to have time to do extra things I want but it was so scary to be shifted into new schedule at first. I believe being flexible in different life style also shapes me as a person. I actually have less "studying hours"that I just sit down and stare at a textbook but I have learned more in outside of classroom and about life lessons that encourage me keep learning after finishing this study abroad program.

I hope my classmates and me will enjoy rest of time and more students who are undecided will join in this incredible program in the future.

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